Things that can remedy your boredom when you're alone in the office
Call your friends, tell them that you miss them (this is a form of blackmailing them), ask them to come to your office and bring pizza, coffee, balloons, soda (I recommend Sparkle, I hope you can find one) and puto bumbong (I also hope you can find one).
Surf the net, facebook, friendster, twitter, google, digitalphotographer.com.ph, bicoldirections.blogspot.com, ufc.tv or search for the answers to your weirdest question through the search engines (you don't know what a search engine is? go to google and search "search engines"), but you have to do this moderately, you might fail to accomplish your work, your boss won't be happy and it's hard to reason out that you didn't finish your work because you were too busy surfing the net.
Listen to some music, I will strongly recommend ACDC's back in black, if it won't work because you're boredom is so severe that you feel that coming to work everyday is a pain in the butt, then I'll recommend John Legend's "Each day gets better"(it's a good song, and I'm not joking, tell me once you heard it through my message area).
Call your gf or your bf I hope they can inspire you to continue working( but most of the time they will encourage you to go home or meet somewhere, so this is not highly recommended).
No gf or bf? Find one, how? Finish your work first, then, go out of the office, go to a place where many people assemble or congregate, join clubs (like pathfinder's fans club, this is in the pipeline :-)). Seriously, join clubs that caters to your interest you might find her or him there. I know a couple who are living together for 15 years now and do you know where they met each other? They met at the cockfighting arena. I'm not encouraging you to do the same.
There, I hope this can help you. I'm going out of the office now.
fb-ing does eat up our time..hehe
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it does :-)
ReplyDeletehe made me "kulit" to read his blog...so i gave in.. and it's worth reading.
ReplyDeletethough he didn't mention it in one of his recommendations, i tell you, it decreases the boredom in a routinary work. I SALUTE YOU MY MAN!
wow, thanks you very mats, your are now my number one fan, my Lady :-)
ReplyDeleteof course, will always be your number 1 fan forever!!!hhehe :)